⚽️ Analyze and visualize players' performance.

Helping global football clubs snatch undiscovered talent from Egypt

Soka combs through Egypt's lower-level football leagues to identify young, talented players, catapulting them to the international arena.

Data Visualization

Chart to help you see who's got the potential to fill in the gaps in your team.

Video Clips

Every touch of the ball is recorded and organized in clips for scouts, agents and coaches to watch and evaluate.

Player Profiles

Keep track of relevant players through their profiles, featuring smart metrics and comprehensive video clips.

Smart Metrics

Our algorithm calculates every player's Soka Score to indicate the biggest potential for you.

Totally Undiscovered

Watch and track players completely off the radar, unearthing hidden talent.

Constant Updates

Every match gets extracted and processed to keep you up-to-date with the players' performance.

Money Ball Recruit talent. Flip at a profit.

The Opportunity.

Football talent is rare to come by, and is becoming increasingly expensive to acquire due to unrelenting competition between international clubs.



At bargain prices.



Add value to your team.


Sell on.

For massive profit.

Objective data, not opinions.

Technology working for you.

Soka systematically deploys technology to provide clubs access to previously unseen and unapproached young talent at bargain prices.

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Filter through all of the players on the platform.

Thanks to Soka's advanced filters, the perfect player matching your needs is a few clicks away.

Soka Player Directory

Go in-depth and analyze individual players.

Comprehensive metrics to gvei clear indicators about every aspect of the player, with benchmarks.

Soka Player Profile Metrics

Watch clips of every touch for every player.

watch the data in real life with clips corresponding to the different metrics, giving you the full picture.

Soka Player Profile Videos

Every touch is documented.

We go through every single touch of the ball throughout the match to build a massive database that is then automatically processed to produce metrics, visualizations and corresponding video clips.


Event per Match

Join Soka and make data-driven decisions.

We roam football pitches across Egyptian cities, towns and villages reocrding matches and searching for talent. Then we use cutting-edge technology to turn players' performances into data, which is crunched and sorted into relevant metrics, supported with videos, that enable informed scouting decisions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why not scout talent in Europe? plus minus

European talent becomes exposed early on with major clubs over-paying to secure them. As a result, it is almost impossible to find undiscovered talent in Europe and the price is unattainable. That's why we need to look beyond Europe and delve into untapped markets for raw talent that's extremely affordable.

What happens when I find the talent I need? plus minus

With a click of a button, we connect international scouts, agents and clubs with their local counterparts, arranging player trials and eventually transfers in a seamless, low-cost process.

Why Egypt? plus minus

Egypt is nowhere to be found in the list of top player exporters in Africa; dominated by Nigeria, Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire. Yet, Egyptian lower-level leagues are rife with undiscovered players, who possess the potential to achieve stardom on the global stage.